quarta-feira, 25 de julho de 2012

Body Language - Tips

  • It's easy to spot a confident person: they will make prolonged eye contact and have a strong posture. They may also sit or stand very cricked. Long eye contact can also be found in lovers' or families eyes.
  • If a person talks at a fast rate and mumbles or isn't clear on what they are saying they could be nervous or might be lying, trying to stall for time, or not telling the full truth (being vague). Be aware that some people do actually mumble.
  • Watch the face - it will usually give off a quick involuntary and sometimes subconscious twitch when something happens that irritates, excites, or amuses them.
  • Observing in context is key to understanding body language.
  • Keep in mind that each person has their own unique body language called baseline behaviors.
  • When observing others, be subtle about it.
  • Pay special attention to changes in body language rather than the body language itself.
  • If a person looks up at the sky, or to the sides they are usually thinking about you.
  • Some people touch their face and/or play with their hair when they are flirting.
  • When a person closes his/her eyes longer than the time it takes to blink, that usually means that he/she is feeling stress, alarm, or despair (although it could mean that their contacts are dry, this will sometimes be accompanied by rubbing of the eye).
  • When a person licks their lips it's a sign of liking you.
  • To become more aware about body language, watch TV with the voice off, every night, for three weeks in row. This will help you notice body language.

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